Ein Unternehmen der Plecotus Solutions Gmbh
0340 5711 29 73
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Telemetrie-Service Dessau
Custom telemetric services for science, research and nature conservation
The development and production of telemetry transmitters is carried out in cooperation with local companies.
our service

Complete solutions for wildlife telemetry
(especially small animals)
Very fast order processing

Custom modifications

Service guarantee and trainings

In context with the legal requirements (e. g. european fauna and flora directive, special species protection assessment) instruments and measures for the protection of endangered species are mandatory for european countries. For a professional assessment of possible negative consequences for these species by interferences in nature and landscape, knowledge about the way of life, home range and habitat preferences is necessary. Therefore the wildlife telemetry is an useful and at the same time careful tool for collecting these data.
Since 2013 our company in Dessau-Rosslau (Saxony-Anhalt/Germany) produces and distributes waterproof miniature transmitters, receivers and antennas for wildlife telemetry and further develops solutions for research and nature conservation together with our customers .
Feel free to contact us via eMail!